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Launch Package

Your Comprehensive 
Podcast Launch Solution

Are you ready to take the podcasting world by storm but feel overwhelmed by the process? Look no further! Our Launch Package is tailored to guide you through every step of the journey, from conceptualization to broadcasting your voice to the world. With our expertise and support, launching your podcast has never been easier.

What We Offer

Custom Artwork Design

First impressions matter. Our team will work with you to create eye-catching artwork that reflects the essence of your podcast, ensuring it stands out in crowded directories.

Recording Space Setup

Don't let technical hurdles hold you back. We'll assist you in setting up your recording space, from suggesting the right equipment to ordering it, ensuring optimal audio quality from the get-go.

Creation of Show Trailer/Intro/Outro

Capture your audience's attention from the start. We'll craft engaging trailers, intros, and outros that encapsulate the spirit of your podcast and leave listeners eagerly anticipating each episode.

Host Setup

Let us handle the technicalities. We'll guide you through the process of setting up your hosting platform, ensuring seamless delivery of your content to listeners worldwide.

Submission to Major Podcast Directories

Don't miss out on potential listeners. We'll take care of submitting your podcast to all major directories, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and more, expanding your reach from day one.

Weekly Consultations

Your success is our priority. Benefit from weekly consultations where we'll brainstorm together to refine your show name, polish your show description, and define your target audience through a carefully crafted listener avatar.

Why Choose Us?

Expert Guidance

Our experienced team will be by your side at every stage, offering personalized guidance tailored to your podcasting goals.

Comprehensive Support

From technical setup to creative brainstorming, we cover all bases to ensure your podcast launch is a resounding success.

Unmatched Convenience

Save time and effort by entrusting your podcast launch to us, allowing you to focus on creating compelling content.

Choose The Right Plan For You

You Record

You Upload

We Edit

We Deliver

Need help with your Podcast?

Want to start a podcast but unsure where to start? Don’t worry, we’ve been there and are here to help. We offer a FREE strategy session with our team to help take your podcast from idea to reality.